ADEX Dashboard Explained: How to Use 100% of ADEX Features?


ADEX uses complicated top-notch technologies to detect fraud traffic quickly and accurately. At the same time, we did our best to make your work with ADEX as simple as possible. However, we spoke to our customers and it turned out that many of them don’t use 100% of ADEX features or don’t know how to […]

Ad Discrepancy: When Your Stats Don’t Match Up


You most likely faced a problem when your ad trackers showed you a different number of impressions, clicks, or even conversions. It’s a pain point for many advertisers and publishers because precise data is what you need for smooth traffic purchase and monetization. Monitoring traffic quality at ADEX also involves collecting stats — and these […]

How to Spot the Signs of Ad Fraud?

No matter how good the fraudsters are, ad fraud is not a perfect crime in the sense that there’s always evidence left behind. What kind of traces should you look out for?